Rapé Tete Pawã

From: $19.73

Rapé Tete Pawã Kuntanawa is a nicely crafted snuff that combines a nice potent Arapiraca, Tsunu ashes with the authentic tribal medicines Kawa Xinã and Kumã.

In the words of the maker:
“Kawa Xinã is a medicine that cleans our thoughts and brings tranquility. Kumã brings strength and firmness giving us direction in our spiritual studies”.

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Rapé Tete Pawã

Rapé Tete Pawã Kuntanawa is a nicely crafted snuff that combines a nice potent Arapiraca, Tsunu ashes with the authentic tribal medicines Kawa Xinã and Kumã. This rapé is a special blend made by one of the best Kuntanawa rapé and handicraft makers from the upper Jurua region.
Highly recommended!

In the words of the maker:
“Kawa Xinã is a medicine that cleans our thoughts and brings tranquility. Kumã brings strength and firmness giving us direction in our spiritual studies. Rapé Tete Pawã is for spiritual elevation, and calmness in our journey, and gives concentration. It brings us
the power of rebirth.

Tete Pawã

Tete Pawã is the indigenous name for the Harpy, one of the most sacred birds in the Amazon. The harpy bird is a spiritual guide for various Amazon tribes. The Brazilian name for the harpy is gavião real which translates as “royal falcon.”

Harpy bird about to land (gavião real) rapé Tete Pawã

Kuntanawa Rapé

The Rapé produced by Kuntanawa has a unique vibration.  A strong spiritual connection that brings presence and calm. Sometimes, they add other plants with cosmological forces that bring us luck, tranquility, and other benefits. They are commonly used in other ways to provide protection or blessings.

They say that such plants bring us strength and clarity to have correct attitudes and take the right decisions. The interesting thing is that the Kuntanwa Rapé seems to be more active in the region of the chest and heart than the head. Being typically mild, it burns less.
Many people consider this Rapé an opener of the heart. It contains arapiraca and ash “Tsunu” (Platycyamus regnellii). Some other recipes may contain Samaúma, Nissural, Eric, Sanssara, and other plants.

Kuntanawa rapé tete pawa circle, rapé Tete Pawã
Kuntanawa rapé circle

About the Kuntanawa Tribe

The Kuntanawa people (known as “the tribe of the babassu Palm or Babassu coconut”) has always defended their spiritual tradition as their principle of existence.
They have always used plants that connect with the beings of the forest and the spirits. Thus learned how to heal the tribe with traditional medicine and to this day they keep their practices.

Would you like to know more about the Kuntanawa tribe? Have a look at this interesting website.

Tepi and Kuripe 

Have a look at the collection of Tepi and Kuripe. Various styles from different artists are available. Tepis receiving blessings from their creatorsTepis receiving blessings from their creators

Handling & Sorting

I sieve this Rapé Tete Pawã and all other snuff coming from my shop through a 120-micron high-grade stainless steel mesh. I also store the Rapé stock dry and in vacuum containers to prolong freshness and quality.

This results in.

  • an extremely fine powder.
  • a guaranteed consistent fineness
  • optimal absorption of the snuff