Rapé Pixuri

From: $19.73

This Rapé Pixuri from the Puyanawa tribe uses corda Moi and murici ashes combined with a herb called Pixuri giving it a pleasant scent and a special character.

Names: Pixuri, Pixurim
Tribe: Puyanawa (Poyanawa)
Origin: Acre, Brazil.


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Rapé Pixuri

Rapé Pixuri is available from the Puyanawa tribe. Rapé Pixuri. It is one of the earliest and most traditional medicinal snuffs.  Organic corda Moi and murici Ashes are the fundaments of this Rapé. Pixuri is a traditional medicine of the Puyanawa people and they use it a lot in their Rapé.

Rapé Pixuri is consistent and well-balanced and extensively used in rituals. It works very well in combination with other medicinal plants like ayahuasca. It has a very distinct flavor that comes from the pulverized medicinal leaves of the Pixuri. The seeds of Pixuri are commonly used in the kitchen for their specific smell and taste.

About Licaria puchury-major

Licaria puchury-major is a species in the genus Licaria (family Lauraceae). Its habitat is in Central and South America and in the Brazilian Amazon basin. Pixuri has various applications in folk medicine. For example, as a carminative in the stomach and in the treatment of insomnia and irritability.
Another example is the use of Pixuri in herbal baths for spiritual cleansing. Pixuri leaves are rich in safrole, eucalyptol, alpha-terpineol, and eugenol. these give the plant a particular flavor.

About the Puyanawa tribe

Puyanawa - Rapé Pixuri
Mario Cordeiro de Lima. A former Puyanawa chief who led the struggle for the conquest of indigenous land.

Like almost all tribes in South America, the Puyawana suffered a lot since their first contact with non-Indians. The Puyanawa lost all of their lands. The survivors were catechized and educated in schools that forbade the expression of any trace of their culture.
In the period from 1915 to 1950 the Puyanawa were basically slaves of Colonel Mâncio Lima. The landowner of the rubber plantation forced the Puyanawa to work on their own land.

After the death of the Colonel in 1950 the Puyanawa were finally freed from slavery. The process of the demarcating of the Puyanawa territory gave them the possibility to value their
one culture once again.  Now the Puyanawa live in two villages.
Barão do Rio Branco and Ipiranga, located in the county of Mâncio Lima
in Acre close to the border with Peru. In 2009, of the approximately
500 Puyanawa Indians, only three spoke the Puyanawa language.

Would you like to know more about the Amazon indigenous tribes? Have a look at this interesting website

Tepi and Kuripe 

Have a look at the collection of Tepi and Kuripe. Various styles from different artists are available. Tepis receiving blessings from their creatorsTepis receiving blessings from their creators

Handling & Sorting

I sieve this Rapé Pixuri and all other snuff coming from my shop through a 120-micron high-grade stainless steel mesh. I also store the Rapé stock dry and in vacuum containers to prolong freshness and quality.

This results in.

  • an extremely fine powder.
  • a guaranteed consistent fineness
  • optimal absorption of the snuff