Rapé Guaratuaba

From: $19.73

The fundament of this uplifting snuff consists of sundried Sabiá and Tsunu ash. Rape Guaratuaba is a mixture of 2 plants, Guarana and Catuaba.

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Rapé Guaratuaba

Rapé Guaratuaba is a by a Brazilian friend Carlito. The fundament of this uplifting snuff consists of sundried Sabiá and Tsunu ash. Rape Guaratuaba is a mixture of 2 plants, Guarana and Catuaba. Plants with a long history of sacred use by the Tupi-guarani tribe in the Brazilian Amazon basin.

Catuaba actually not a word for a plant. It’s an infusion made of a mixture of different types of the bark of different medicinal trees and has its roots in Guarani tribe culture. A dry extract of this infusion is a part of this rapé.
The Guarana in this Rapé also comes from a biological Guarana extract. Guarana and Catuaba work as a tonic, a strengthening agent. They generate and activate life energy, increase the sexual drive and support the heart.

Guarana berries with black-eyed seeds Rapé Guaratuaba
Guarana berries with black-eyed seeds

About Guara/ Paullinia Cupanana

The word ‘Guarana’ is derived from the indigenous word ‘wara’ná’, originating from the Tupi-Guarani tribe from the Amazon region. Within this tribe, Guarana fulfills a very sacred and special role as an extremely powerful and magical plant.  Guarana is the nutty seed from a climbing plant that grows in the Amazon basin in Brazil.
The Tupi-Guarani  Indians have used Guarana for centuries. they praised it for being a natural energy supplement. Guarana also contains caffeine.  The caffeine concentrations in Guarana’s berries are much higher than those found in coffee tea or soft drinks.

The Myth of Guarana

A young and happy Indian couple from the Amazonian Maués tribe had a child wish. Sadly enough they lived many years without having any children. Time passed and one rainy day they decided to ask Tupã to give them a child. Tupã, the king of the gods, full of kindness answered the couple’s wish and gave them a beautiful son.
Time passed quickly and the boy grew handsome, generous, and good. However, Jurupari, the god of darkness, felt extreme envy of the boy and the peace and happiness he conveyed and decided to reap that life in bloom. One day, the boy went to collect fruits in the forest and Jurupari took advantage of the occasion to launch his revenge.

He turned into a venomous snake and bit the boy, killing him instantly. The sad news spread quickly. At this moment, thunder echoed and heavy lightning struck the village. The mother, who cried in despair, understood that the thunder was a message from Tupã saying that she should plant the child’s eyes and that a new plant would grow giving them tasty fruit.
The Indians obeyed their mother’s requests and planted the boy’s eyes. In this place grew the guaraná, whose seeds are black, each with an aril around them, imitating the human eyes. (source)

About Catuaba

Catuaba is the Guarani word for infusions of the bark of a number of trees native to Brazil. It means “what gives strength to the Indian”. The Shamans of the Guarani use Catuaba’s infusion as an aphrodisiac and a central nervous system stimulant. Today Catuaba is still used in various health supplements to enhance sexual energy and enhance performance.
Throughout history, people have sought to increase libido and improve sexual function through the use of reputed aphrodisiac plants. The Catuaba grows widely across the Amazon River basin and enjoys centuries of safe, effective use as a bonafide aphrodisiac.

Catuaba shreds and powder used for rapé Guaratuaba
Catuaba shreds and powder

Tepi and Kuripe 

Have a look at the collection of Tepi and Kuripe. Various styles from different artists are available. Tepis receiving blessings from their creatorsTepis receiving blessings from their creators

Handling & Sorting

I sieve this rapé Guaratuaba and all other snuff coming from my shop through a 120-micron high-grade stainless steel mesh. I also store the Rapé stock dry and in vacuum containers to prolong freshness and quality.

This results in.

  • an extremely fine powder.
  • a guaranteed consistent fineness
  • optimal absorption of the snuff