Rapé Bashanawu

From: $26.59

This is a powerful combination. Basic ingredients and no other herbs included! Rapé Bashanawu has a relatively low ash content. The name comes from the Kaxinawa ash I used for this blend.

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After a long period, I went into the process of making a new snuff. It’s always an interesting journey with various experiments,  testing, sensing, tweaking, and discarding. The fundamental ingredients were set early and then came the next part. Finding the right ash. The Bashanawu ash from the Kaxinawa works perfectly in this new combination. I am satisfied with the end result and wish you can appreciate this new blend.

Rapé Bashanawu

This is a powerful ash combination. No other herbs are included.

Besides the Bashanawu ash, there are two types of bacco. Their names will remain a secret. What I will say is that one of them also has a role in rapé Trovão. There it has a supporting role since its presence there is relatively low. But for rapé Bashanwu it is the dominating strong force that also has a quite unique aroma.

People who are familiar with the types that I make know I  like to make quite strong macho types of rapé. The other types are.


Tepi and Kuripe

Have a look at the collection of Tepi and Kuripe. Various styles from different artists are available. Tepis receiving blessings from their creatorsTepis receiving blessings from their creators

Handling & Storing

I sieve this Rapé Bashanawu and all other snuff coming from my shop through a 120-micron high-grade stainless steel mesh. I also store the Rapé stock dry and in vacuum containers to prolong freshness and quality.

This results in.

  • an extremely fine powder.
  • a guaranteed consistent fineness
  • optimal absorption of the snuff