Breu Branco Incense Resin

From: $8.88

Big chunks of Breu branco Resin

Grade: A
Origin: Brazil
Species Name: Protium heptaphyllum almécega, breu, almíscar, breuzinho
Colors: Grey, dark grey


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Breu Branco

Breu Branco is the sacred resin of the Amazon rainforest, with a pleasant and fresh scent. The Indians use it in ceremonies, healing rituals and to create good energy. It is harvested from the heart of the trunk of the tree locally known as Almecegueira. Its main therapeutic properties are cleaning the astral field and spiritual elevation.

breu branco
Breu Branco resin flowing out of a tree

Breu Branco is one of the mysterious treasures of the Amazon. From a tree trunk under the shade of the forest, the white-colored resin that drips naturally scents the environment with a rare and surprising scent. When dried, the resin that remains in the trunk can be removed by hand.

Although the word “branco” means white the color of the resin completely changes after it has dried

Breu branco, Protium heptaphyllum

Protium heptaphyllum is a large, woody tree that is evergreen and can grow to be 10 to 20 meters tall. Protium heptaphyllum has been found to flourish in Amazonia. The biome that this species occupies is the tropical rainforest. This species can be found in sandy soils throughout these regions that are wet.

Breu branco
Protium heptaphyllum tree